Life ... its beginning
Human life is the first wonder of the universe, as shown in the video on the child from conception to birth, the link to which is here: La vita umana prima meraviglia
Family and life are today the pivotal points on which the future of humanity is being played out.
But let´s take a closer look at the initial moments of each of our lives.
Here is conception/fertilisation
The life of every human being begins from the first moment of conception (or fertilisation), that is, the encounter between the maternal ovum and the paternal spermatozoon.
In the picture above, we see that only one of the countless paternal spermatozoa manages to fertilise the maternal egg, penetrating it to fuse. The paternal and maternal chromosomes ´kiss´ each other, mixing up their genes. The possible combinations offered by the millions of characters are infinite: original, unique, here is the child! There will never be others like him; never, not even from the same parents. Such is every child: as unrepeatable as his fingerprints, as his genetic code!
Female reproductive system
The baby is conceived in the tuba and immediately begins to grow, although very small: after a few days it arrives in the mother´s uterus and there it implants (or nests), that is, it remains attached to the mother until it is born. From her it receives everything it needs to continue to grow, develop and live during those nine months of pregnancy, until birth.
Here are some pictures of the baby during its prenatal growth.
Unfortunately, in recent years, attacks on unborn life have multiplied and have been widespread throughout the world.
In order to become aware of this, let´s take a quick look at the most widespread of them, namely the methods of procured abortion that are no longer only “surgical” or “pharmacological”.
In fact, today there are unfortunately also many other types of abortion, usually caused in the very early stages of the conceived child´s life. In these cases, even if very small, the conceived child is already a child, a human being, a person (we too were conceived children!) and is killed in the very early stages of its development. In this way, the mother does not even realise it, and may have so many abortions in her fertile life that those children of hers die in the early stages of their lives.
These abortions of children conceived in the earliest stages of their prenatal development are caused by many ´contraceptives´ that always or very often have an abortifacient effect, and that act or can act after conception.
Here are a few examples: various hormonal preparations, including the various morning-after and day-ahead pills, etc.; the so-called ´contraceptive´ pill itself, or even intrauterine devices, IUDs, anti-pregnancy vaccines, subcutaneous implants, etc.
And thus everything that generally does not prevent the encounter between the maternal egg and the paternal sperm and thus fertilisation/conception, but instead prevents the already conceived child from implanting/annulating in the mother´s womb and thus being expelled and dying.
Let´s also remember the many practices of artificial insemination, genetic manipulation, embryo freezing, etc. etc., which result in the death of countless conceived children.
This overview is, however, very incomplete, as there are unfortunately many other abortion methods, and moreover, new ones are being studied and produced all the time, especially to procure abortion in the very early stages of the conceived child´s life.
So it is important to know and let those close to us know what the value of life is, which is not an abstract term but is always the life of ´someone´: a child conceived, a child born in its various ages, a boy, a young person, an adult, an old person, an old man. It is always that same person passing through the various stages of his or her life in this world and (for those who have faith) continuing it in eternal life, in the Risen Christ.
This terminology refers to the ability to seek or avoid pregnancy, knowing how human fertility “works” (fertility means the ability, possibility of conceiving a child).
Male fertility is always the same: that is, a man is always potentially fertile.
Female fertility is “cyclical”, that is, during the month (between one menstruation and the next), a woman is potentially fertile only on certain days, which are those that immediately precede and follow ovulation. (Ovulation is the expulsion of an egg from the ovary: the egg goes into the tube and, if there has been intercourse, a child can be conceived.)
Natural Methods (such as the Billings Method) help women to recognize the days in which they are fertile and those in which they are not fertile. With the help of a teacher, one can easily learn to recognize these symptoms on oneself (mainly cervical mucus) that indicate the fertile days and consequently the infertile ones. Natural Methods are respectful of life (because no means or drugs are used), of the woman's health (because she learns about herself first of all to know herself in terms of sexuality and fertility and must not take or use means that are often harmful to her health).
In Rome there is the Center for the Natural Regulation of Fertility and there are also teachers of the Method itself in different areas of the city. It is important to understand that the Natural Method is not only made to be used, but first of all to know what happens in your body (for the girl, for the young woman and also for the adult woman) from when menstruation arrives for the first time in adolescence, until menopause arrives (generally before the age of 50), that is, the fertile life of the woman herself ends.
Article 2 of the Statute
The Association called “Segretariato Sociale per la Vita di Roma A.P.S.” …proposes to: